Nobody cares what you do
Is there something you’ve wanted to start but are scared because you don’t know what people will say? Yes, I’m looking at you.
This was me before the start of this year (maybe I did become one of those New Year’s resolution people). For the longest time I’ve been dreaming about making cool and cinematic videos, inspired by watching Casey Niestat, Gawx, Peter Mckinnon and the like. But guess what, I never started.
I barely know anything about storytelling, videography, editing, sound design, colour grading, etc. And I still know nothing because I was too afraid to start. The first step was never taken.
I always thought I’d be the cringe one. What are my friends gonna say? They’re gonna laugh at me. The videos won’t be good anyway, so why even try?
The truth is no one gives a f*ck about you. Heck, most people don’t even have time to think about themselves. In this attention-deficit economy, where people can’t remember things past 5 seconds of scrolling, do you think people will take their time to criticize the video you posted of you watering your plants with a philosophical monologue in the voice of Victor Frankl (you should watch it tho)?
Anyways, tldr; do whatever the f*ck you want. Nobody cares. And if you become important enough that people start caring, then congrats. You can have a positive impact on this world. Or not.
So get out there, enjoy life, create something, love someone, get hurt, and get back up again. There’s so much more out in this world than what you see through that tiny screen you’re holding. Use it or lose it.
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